Sunday, November 9, 2014

Everyday in the morning when I get out of my home. I see the sunlight and I feel  warmth. All that tells today will be better than yesterday. So, How can the nature affect our life? nature plays significant role in our life. It gives us more hope to contunuous our life. I see my self and other if we feel angry or frustrating the first thing we do we go out the house to the nature embraces us.

we breath the cold air to refresh us and carry with it all the stress out of our body also, when I take my children to play withe snow or sand I can see they feel happy. When they touch the tree or the flower that help them to understand the natures law.

A cording to MATT RICHTEL in his article'O'utdoors and out of reach, studing the Brain'' he mention  how we need the nature to help our self to get ride from all the lifes stress. Its small thing but it has a big effect in our self he went every year to Utahs river without cell phone or any thing technology just interesting with nature .

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