Saturday, October 25, 2014


Have you ever thought to declin the numbers of coffee's cub which you drink daily and at the same time you answer "I can't". Acording to the article which CNN published in the weebsite you might can controlyour self with coffee. The reasarch by Marily Cornelis that published in tuseday by the "journal Molecular Psychiarty"says they found six regin in human DNA that responsable of coffee-drinkbehavior. The scientest said these genetics can reach  to the effect of coffee and caffeine better.
Which I interested by this article ,it will help people who can't control their self with coffee. I remember my brother who addicted by coffee .  He drink 4-5cup of dark coffee at periode of time  he
feel pain in his heart. Thedoctor said to him you have to decrease the numberof coffee's cup but he sid "I can't". But now with science maybe we can delet this word from our life.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

why is smoking bad for you

       As we know smoking responsible  for many disease in the human body.  The important one is cancer and heart disease. Acording to  Christin Nordqvis on ''why is smoking is bad for you'' he said ''over 440,000 people in USA and 100,000 in the UK die beacause smoking each year ''.  Smoking is number1 cause to death in the world. The causes to become smoking is dangers and hurmful  to our bodies are the materials which is exist in the cigarette. The first product is nicotin.  Nicotin is fast-acting drug. It reaches to the brain in 15 second of inhaled. What make me surprise is what the article mintios if the cigarette doesn't have nicotin the number of smokers every day is will be decrease.
The second product is carbon monomxide. THis gas doesn't have smealed or color which make the body can't find diffrenet between this gas and oxygen that make obsorbs tothe blood. If there alarg amount of this gas around you ,you can go into came then die. THis gas can hurt cells body and kill muscle function.
 The thrred product is tar. When person smokes cigarette 70% go into the lungs. Make small experince to see. Fill the mouth with smoke don't inhale and blow the smoke on the handkercheif there will be sticky. Do this again but this time with clothes there will be light brown stain.
Every one knows that smoking cause to cancer, emphysema,and heart disease. That it can shorten your life by 10 years or more also, this habit can cost smoker thousend of dollares a year.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

The Reason Ebola Isn't Being Stopped

       Acording to articale in CCN health about the reason which help this disease outbreak they mintion ;Ebola is outbreak in Africa but what helpless to do how can stop it?The way is so simple and it uses in many disease as SARS and Smallpox . When you know about Ebola patients the health experts should look up for every one who contact with this person .if one of them get sick ,then thry should put him in isolated. Then they will be no more sick people .This meathod called (Contact Tracing ).As I said it is simple but it is helpful for many disease .In Africa  this way is break down , it doesn't work with them for severl reason . first of all, many parts in Africa don't have many name and many people don't have a ddress. For that many people who contact with Ebola patients can't be found . Missing contact people ,about that  the CDC said " even one missed contact can keep the outbreak going ".

So, now when I Know the small reason make all these problem happend I be so angry .But I know it's not easy to make control un huge area .