Racism started from handured of years . whith prophet Adam and eavile , when eavile prefare hisself of prophet Adam. Because he creat from fire and Adam creat from clay . so, no surprise that happend between pepole .
the dffinition of racism is known by many time ago , behaviore, belifes,and conduct which make categori best than other categori by colure,relegen,culture and affiliation.
Most pepole suffered by racism are affrican pepole .They were living sparate on waite pepole .They had own school .Even public place they had diffrent place comper with waite pepole ,they trade them in slavery.
If pepole continued thinking peple better than other pepole just because money or color or culture so,the racism will be to the end of the world.
This sammary about what I read about racism after we watch movi about it in class with Sarah.
Interesting, what was the movie you watched?